BLARE (Ken K’s) Top 25 Favorite Albums of 2024

Angry Blackmen

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I feel like I say this year after year. Actually, I know I do. 2024 was an outstanding year for new music. From rap to alternative to metal, I listened to many fantastic offerings.

These are my top 25 favorite albums of 2024. Favorite, not best. What gives me the right to claim something as “the best?” After all, I am but a lowly curmudgeon who sits in a dimly lit room rocking a coffee IV.

25] Radical Optimism by Dua Lipa (5/3, Warner) – Listen
24] Mantras by Katie Pruitt (4/5, Rounder Records) – Listen
23] Hit Me Hard and Soft by Billie Eilish (5/17, Darkroom) – Listen
22] Natura Duale by LungBurner (9/13, Electric Desert Records) – Listen
21] New World Depression by $uicideboy$ (6/14, G59) – Listen
20] Prelude to Ecstasy by The Last Dinner Party (2/2, Island) – Listen
19] Luck and Strange by David Gilmour (9/6, Sony) – Listen
18] Songs For A Nervous Planet by Tears for Fears (10/25, Concord) – Listen
17] All Born Screaming by St. Vincent (4/16, Total Pleasure) – Listen
16] Brat by Charlie XCX (6/7, Atlantic) – Listen
15] Sin Querencia by Immortal Bird (10/18, 20 Buck Spin) – Listen
14] Merciless by Body Count (11/22, Century Media Records) – Listen
13] Impossible Light by Uboa (6/28, The Flenser) – Listen
12] Hopiumforthemasses by Ministry (3/1, Nuclear Blast) – Listen
11] The Crying Out of Things by The Body (11/8, Thrill Jockey) – Listen


Maggot MassPharmakon (10/4, Sacred Bones)

Pain. Margaret Chardiet expresses better than most.

Favorite track: Wither and Warp


Raw Blood SingingInsect Ark (6/7, Debemur Morti Productions)

Insect Ark gets better with every release. Raw Blood Singing is the proof.

Favorite track: Youth Body Swayed


Orchards of a Futile Heaven – The Body & Dis Fig (2/23, Thrill Jockey)

The Body have collaborated with a multitude of artists, but one of the best is Dis Fig.

Favorite track: Dissent, Shame


The FORCE – LL Cool J (9/6, LL Cool J, Inc.)

With a career that spans 4 decades, LL has still got it. Check the rap with Eminem, “Murdergram Deux.”

Favorite track: Spirit of Cyrus


Tarantula Heart – Melvins (4/19, Ipecac Recordings)

Who starts an album with a 19:08 track? The goddamn Melvins, that’s who!

Favorite track: Pain Equals Funny

Favorite track: Pain Equals Funny


1 2 3 4 – Modern English (2/23, 4AD)

I saw Modern English live. They played their masterpiece After the Snow in its entirety. 1 2 3 4 is right up there as a close second.

Favorite track: Exploding


Songs of a Lost World – The Cure (11/1, Fiction)

The Cure’s best work since Disintegration.

Favorite track: Warsong


Ridiculous and Full of Blood – Julie Christmas (6/14, Red Crk)

A veteran of the music scene, Julie Christmas can do no wrong. And the more she sounds like Bjork, the more I love her music.

Favorite track: End of the World


Alligator Bites Never Heal – Doechii (8/30, Top Dawg/Capitol)

Doechii destroys on her third, and in my opinion, best full-length release to date. Nineteen short and sweet tracks without missing a beat.

Favorite track: Changes with every listen, but overall, it has to be Boiled Peanuts


Released on January 26, 2024, via Deathbomb Arc, my number one album of 2024 by a landslide is The Legend of ABM by Angry Blackmen.

Angry Blackmen’s The Legend of ABM plunges the listener into a dystopian world simmering with discontent. This Chicago duo, Brian Warren and Quentin Branch, weave a potent blend of industrial hip-hop with sci-fi and social commentary, crafting a brutal and thought-provoking soundscape.

The Legend of ABM (album cover)

The album’s strength lies in its dense atmosphere. Glitchy beats and distorted samples build a sense of unease, mirroring the bleakness of the lyrical themes. Tracks like “Fna” and “Grind” are relentless sonic assaults, with Warren and Branch spitting fire over pummeling bass lines. Their flows are razor-sharp, weaving tales of societal collapse, alienation, and the struggle for survival.

The Legend of ABM isn’t just about aggression, however. Tracks like “Suicidal Tendencies” and “Dead Men Tell No Lies” delve into internal struggles, exploring themes of depression and navigating a broken system. The guest appearances on the album are well-chosen, with Abbie from Mars’ ethereal vocals on “Magnum Opus” offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

The Legend of ABM is not for the faint of heart. It’s an album that demands your attention, challenging you to confront uncomfortable truths. The music is abrasive, the lyrics are unflinching, and the overall experience is unsettling yet strangely captivating. For fans of industrial hip-hop with a social conscience, The Legend of ABM is a must-listen. It’s a sonic middle finger to a broken world, a testament to the power of music to confront injustice and ignite rebellion.

You can download The Legend of ABM from Deathbomb Arc here or pick up a vinyl copy from Fat Beats here.

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