Flutist Ember Belladonna has released a video for her track “The Wild Hunt.” The song, is a short yet rousing piece from her critically acclaimed album The Grove. Ember comments: Legends of The Wild Hunt are arguably best known from The...
Boston’s Pathogenic is set to make a triumphant return with the release of Crowned in Corpses, a brutal and immersive display of progressive tech death. This marks their first full-length release in over half a decade, promising a bold...
Solo artist Ember Belladonna has unveiled another video, the title track from her critically acclaimed album The Grove. The video is steeped in the fantasy themes that the flutist is known for and will heavily appeal to fans of films such as Lord of...
Trick or treat? Enemy Inside couldn’t wait for Halloween, so they’ve gone ahead and dropped their spooky new single, “Fuck That Party.” Kicking off with nostalgic, old-school gaming sounds, this hard-hitting track first seems like a high...
Following the success of their recent tour in Finland, melodic death metal juggernauts Wolfheart are excited to release a new music video “The Gale” in support of their acclaimed album, Draconian Darkness, released on September 6 via...