Former member of Emporer & Enslaved reveals THYRMR, to release Darkness Shall Rise debut


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On November 27th internationally, Darkness Shall Rise Productions is proud to present Thyrmr‘s highly anticipated debut album, Saga of the North, on CD, vinyl LP, and cassette tape formats.

Trym Torson, who is widely known as having been the drummer on landmark albums of Norwegian black metal like Emperor’s Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk or Enslaved’s Vikingligr veldi and Frost, moved into uncharted waters by composing music inspired by his longstanding passion for movie soundtracks and ambient music. Thyrmr doesn’t have much in common with black metal, but the eight tracks that make up the debut album Saga of the North are not to be missed if you are into dark sounds àla Mortiis or Summoning!

First track and preorder info to be announced shortly. Cover and track-listing are as follows:

1. Landsbyen (4:40)
2. Trusselen (5:23)
3. Slaget (3:49)
4. Gravferd (6:13)
5. Sorgen (5:01)
6. Minner (4:20)
7. Vandringen (4:30)
8. Håpet (:46)

Find Darkness Shall Rise Productions: Bandcamp | Website | Facebook

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