Emerging metal act Heteromorphic Zoo, from Victoria, BC, Canada, is set to captivate audiences with their debut EP New World, produced by Chris Wiseman (Shadow of Intent, Currents) plus mixed and mastered by Christian Donaldson (Cryptopsy)...
Joliet, IL death metal quartet Molder have shared a new song, “Frothing,” from their upcoming third album, Catastrophic Reconfiguration, due out on Prosthetic Records on November 8. “Frothing” boasts a guest vocal feature...
French post-black metallers Silhouette reveal the new video for the song “Silhouette.” The track is the second to be revealed from the band’s highly anticipated debut album, Les Dires de l’Ame, set for international release...
Dear Deceased formed in the early 1990s and cranked out insanely great live sets for a couple years before they dissolved. Luckily, they also recorded a demo with the ubiquitous Bart Thurber. Mitch, the bassist, went on to front Operator Generator...
Bikini Beach are back. The fuzz darlings from Lake Constance have a new album on the way and are sending the first herald into the race with the single “Liar Liar”. A sparkling nugget of dirty garage rock full of distortion, fuzz, echoes...