Emerging metal act Heteromorphic Zoo, from Victoria, BC, Canada, is set to captivate audiences with their debut EP New World, produced by Chris Wiseman (Shadow of Intent, Currents) plus mixed and mastered by Christian Donaldson (Cryptopsy)...
French post-black metallers Silhouette reveal the new video for the song “Silhouette.” The track is the second to be revealed from the band’s highly anticipated debut album, Les Dires de l’Ame, set for international release...
Boston-based Major Moment produce compelling pop-metal comprised of modern production, heavy riffs, and melodic vocals. Filled with catchy hooks and hard hitting rhythms, the new single “Staged” delivers an impressive anthemic sound...
On September 27, Aaron Stainthorpe (My Dying Bride) will release a new album with his new band High Parasite, title Forever We Burn. Get ready for a healthy dose of gothic metal. Check out the video for “Wasn’t Human” below...
Prepare to have your sanity surgically removed as thrash metal maniacs Trip To The Morgue unveil the lyric video for “Tribal Lust,” a brutal slice from their latest album, Toe Tagged And Body Bagged, released via Wormholedeath...