On The List (Album) by Turkey Vulture

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Connecticut heavy music duo Turkey Vulture is back from a quiet couple years with their rawest EP release yet: On The List. The band’s ferocious gritty punk sound is a feast of high-impact energy with elements drawn from across the heavy metal subgenres. On The List is set to land on October 25th, 2024.
Frontwoman Jessie May says,
This EP is a meeting of Turkey Vulture‘s past and present. “Untitled” and “Harvest Moon” are actually songs I wrote for me and Jim’s previous band (Jimmy Junk Bird and the Stiffs, active 2013-2017), with updated lyrics. Bringing things into the present, the new lyrics to “Harvest Moon” are a result of our toddlers forcing us to watch Scooby Doo on Zombie Island several times a day for months – and of course there is the nod to quintessential American blues song “St. James Infirmary” in the outro. (The song has nothing to do with Neil Young, btw.) “Adults Destroy” is about climate change and its title comes from the illustration of a magazine my brother and I made in elementary school, which I unearthed from some basement box last year.
We called the EP On The List because there is ALWAYS something ‘on the list.’ Whether it’s running to the grocery for more cheese sticks, folding another load of laundry, or finding a way to schedule band practice, we are never without some task to complete.
It’s been a little longer than usual since we’ve been in the studio, but we finally had the headspace and a window of time to focus on the music and create something really memorable for listeners.
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Release date: October 25, 2024
Label: Self-released
Genre(s): Doom, punk
On The List is available for pre-order here.
Find Turkey Vulture: Bandcamp | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
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